Frequently Asked Questions

You may have questions about Sketchable Plus or its tools, processes or more. We have attempted to answer a few of the most common questions below. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact us at any time!

What is different about Sketchable Plus?

Sketchable Plus is a single document editor. This allows the creative freedom to quickly import, export, crop, trim, or customize the canvas. 

Where does Sketchable Plus save my files?

Files are saved out to the documents folder. The user also has the option to save as or export their work via the file system. 

Can I Import an image?

Yes. Sketchable Plus is perfect for importing images for quick edits or use as references. 

How can I Export my work?

Sketchable Document (.sda) will save all layers, color pallet information, and canvas textures. (These files (.sda) can only be read back into Sketchable Plus) .psd preserves layer information. (Sketchable Plus does not read in .psd files) .png, .jpg, .tif, and .dmp (exports flat images)

How can I back up my brush presets?

Yes, you can save an individual brush preset, all brush presets associated with a single tool, and all brush presets for all your tools.

What type of files can I Import?

.png, .jpg, .tif, and .bmp

User Manual

Coming Soon

Sketchable User Manual